Jan 17, 2008

My Story

This story is really important to me. It reminds me of Gods grace and mercy and especially what HE did on the cross.

The beginning of this story starts when I was a child. My mother brought us up in the religion of Catholicism. I was baptized as a baby and attended mass on Sundays. At the age a child attends catechism my brother and I were there. When we read the new testament I realized that the religion was contradicting the bible. I started asking the church for answers, but none were given. The next year my mother enrolled me into a catholic school for seventh grade. This was the first and last year I attended a private school due my failing history, but I did attain some knowledge and get answers to some of my questions. Due to the imbalance of information and direction I continued on in confusion and frustration. Most of the time rejecting my conscience and justifying my behavior. I was taught by the church that I could go to a priest and get my sins taken away by saying hail Marys and our fathers. I learned I could just sin and go get them taken away when I wanted. Now I know how wrong they were. The Lord is the one who takes away sins and is the only mediator between God and man. But in the ignorance of my youth I led a sinful, go with what makes you feel good, life. I still prayed and sometimes I would realize all the bad stuff I was doing and go through spells depression. I turned to self medicating with alcohol and marijuana. At the age twenty two I owned a brand new four bedroom house, a nice car, the perfect dog, and I was making tons of money. To anyone on the outside I had it made. I partied hard and slept hard. I couldn't ask for anything more, so I thought. I started to feel terribly wrong in the inside. Every thing seemed like dust in the wind and every day became like nails on the chalk board. I found myself praying more intensely one night. I was led to the decision to get my life right with God. I starting attending this church around the corner from my house. It was a different religion from the one I was raise in so I thought it would be a start. I started to learn about God all over again. Now with a fresh perspective of urgency. I was desperate for God. I prayed and through the reading and learning of Gods words My questions were getting answered. I also found out its not about a religion or the church you attend its about your personal relationship with God. Better yet The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From that point on my life was transformed. I repented and asked for forgiveness. This time I tried to stop sinning. The Holy Spirit would guide me through what I read in scripture and I would catch myself when I went against it. I would pray for God to help me not do it again. I had a spiritual warfare in my house. Sometimes I would be washing dishes and just fall to my knees with sorrow because I wanted to sin, but I didn't really want to sin. I knew inside God didn't want me to live the way I was. I felt like I was going crazy. I was abused from the age five till I was fourteen. I lived so long with lustful sin and drugs. My whole lifestyle and being able to function differently had to all come from God. It's natural for a person who was so use to living wrong to be changed to living right to fight against it. I did find out that submitting and humbling myself to what He wanted made it so much easier.
The most important thing for my life was He was changing my heart. I was always able to forgive, but I was still hurt. He took my pain, He changed the way I thought, He gave me new desires and in His timing He fulfilled them. I'm still growing and changing. He's still doing these things for me. Its something that is going to continue till I die. He asks us to evaluate ourselves daily. I don't think he want us to be stagnate. He wouldn't be-able to use us or make us better. That's why I think it will happen until he takes me, He wants us to continue after Him and be strong in our faith no matter what. Just like Jesus. Now, He had a relationship with His Father. I would love to have one similar.

So, I'm compelled by God to keep in faith and continue to strive for the better of His Kingdom, not the devils.

That's about it. I pray to follow the bible, I pray, we go to our church for fellowship ( a prayerfully sought out church ), we involve ourselves with others we are equally yoked with so we can encourage each other in the Lord, and we don't involve ourselves with activities that aren't pleasing to God.

We aren't legalistic about what we do we are led from with in to do these things. As we continue to be regenerated by the reading of His word, it becomes natural.

I truly pray for this to be a blessing in your life. It has been nice writing it and remembering what I'm saved from. Thank you for your friendship. Bridgette